About Us

Our History

The Danville Concert Association is the area’s oldest presenter of professional musical and performing artists from around the world. Dating from the early 1950s, it has its roots in the Civic Music Association that launched Danville’s first season of music in 1929. The DCA launched their first season in the fall of 1953 with opera. Throughout the following years and with the support of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of members a wide range of events has been presented.  

The DCA is funded by grants, donations, and ticket sales and has no paid staff. Our all-volunteer group is dedicated to the mission of cultivating an interest in quality music, dance, and other diverse performing arts throughout our region and in our schools.

Support Our Mission!

The Danville Concert Association is dedicated to providing superior performing arts and concert programming to the Danville Region.
As an all volunteer organization, we rely on the support of our donors, sponsors, and ticket sales.

Our Partners

Thank you to our partners! Your support allows the Danville Concert Association to help bring diverse performing arts to Danville.
Additional thanks to the Philip N. Daly and Frances K. Daly Charitable Trust and the Wayne and Nancy Oakes Fund of the Community Foundation.